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On the night after Pesach, dozens of Israelis joined us to celebrate Mimouna, an exuberant Moroccan/Sefardi festival, where we feasted on fried doughs, sweets, and candies.
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Pesach Seder 2022

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Amit Edry, a Brownstone alumnus and former professional basketball player, led a stimulating Pesach Seder as well as a meal on Shvii Shel Pesach, which drew over 40 participants for […]
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Mishpat Echad Leyom

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Thanks to Ido Greenberg (@mismas) for a fascinating lecture! “Mishpat Echad Leyom” – One judgement a day And thanks to: Israeli House Amit Edry Eliad Harosh Benari
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2 Strangers Workshop

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Big shout out to Adi Helman and the amazing workshop she’s been leading weekly at the Brownstone! The workshop, “Two Strangers (foreigners)” or שתיים זרות, was designed for Israeli women […]
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The Brownstone Signature Event 2021

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[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading main_heading=”NEXT GENERATION – BROWNSTONE SIGNATURE EVENT 2021″] December 20, 2021 [/ultimate_heading][ultimate_video video_type=”vimeo_video” vimeo_video_url=”https://vimeo.com/659834819″ vimeo_autoplay=”” vimeo_loop=”” vimeo_intro_title=”” vimeo_intro_portrait=”” vimeo_intro_byline=”” play_size=”75″][ut_image_gallery thumbnail_size=”medium” grid=”3″ gallery=”41116,41115,41114,41113,41112,41111,41110,41109,41108,41107,41106,41105,41104,41103,41102,41101,41100,41099,41098,41097,41096,41095,41094,41093,41092,41091,41090,41089,41088″][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]
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