Olami Soho 2024

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In February we hosted an Olami Soho group from Argentina led by Rabbi Dani Kowal. This special group of young students, ages 17-20, stayed at The Brownstone for 10 days, […]
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Menora Trip 2023

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At the end of December, we hosted Menora, a college outreach group from Argentina. They spent 7 days at The Brownstone, exploring the city, seeing iconic landmarks, and visiting the […]
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JAcademy Trip

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In November, JAcademy—a Berlin-based Gap Year Program for European Jewish students—stayed at The Brownstone for 10 days while touring NYC, and enjoyed a class by Rabbi Yitzchok Feldheim. 
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Shabbat Spirit 2023

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There was incredible energy as over 180 American young professionals gathered for two special Shabbat dinners. Each evening began with cocktails, light bites and lots of mingling, followed by a […]
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Challah Bake 2023

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In honor of Israel, the soldiers in battle, and all the victims of Hamas, nearly 70 women and girls participated in the mitzvah of baking challah during two separate events—inspiring […]
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